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Insurance complication patient interview

Insurance Complication

Unfortunate Complication After Insurance Company Refused to Allow Patient to See Dr. Gelman Mr. C.D. was referred to Dr. Gelman by his local Urologist for surgery to treat his urethral stricture. He was “re-directed” by his insurance to another Urologist at another University Medical Center who did an operation to repair the urethra using skin [...]
Posterior urethral disruption patient interview

Posterior Urethral Disruption

Insurance Denial for Stricture Surgery as Patient Suffered Mr. A. H. suffered a severed urethra (called a posterior urethral disruption) in a car accident and required a tube in his bladder as he was unable to urinate. He should have had surgery to repair his urethra no later than 3 months after the injury. However, [...]